Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Drug Awarness Campaign#Lifesavers#

Drug Awareness Campaign #Lifesavers#

By- Smera Aditya, Pragya Bansal & Trisha Jha


Did you know that 50% of teens have misused drugs at least once and that nothing good ever comes out of drug abuse, only pain, loss, and regret. The fact that 106 million people have died due to drug abuse is extremely sad and shocking, but it's a hard reality. Our group, #LIFESAVERS#, undertook a drug awareness campaign as a part of our community summer project.

We are rising 6th graders and were inspired by a guest speaker, Elissa Poor, from UNC Health Department who talked about drugs and their impact, earlier this year in the DOC NC monthly meeting. The abuse of drugs has been gradually increasing in our community harming one’s health and brain. Further, it can lead to young people losing their lives.

As Lifesavers, we are doing a Drug Awareness Campaign which is about educating the community on Drug Abuse, how it negatively impacts us, and how to identify and save ourselves and others from drugs. We did this through short presentations and pledge campaigns in different public places around the community. We outreached people from our community, from elementary, middle, high school, college students, adults, and seniors. Our goal was to outreach at least 100 people’s pledges to be against drugs by the end of July 2023, and we got really close to achieving it.


Why this Drug Awareness Campaign?

Did you know that around 60 million people are impacted by drugs in America in a year? This may be shocking, but it's true! Drug addiction is a complex disease. Drugs deteriorate the body as well as it changes how the brain works in ways that make quitting exceptionally difficult. Drugs impact not only individuals, but also the people around them such as their family, friends, and the community as a whole. Hence, it's important to spread awareness of drugs and their negative impacts. We as a community have an utmost responsibility to spread awareness and save people around us. This is the mission of LifeSavers.

What is Drug Abuse?

Drug abuse refers to the use of a drug in amounts or by methods that are harmful to the individual or others. It can be the use of illegal drugs or the use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used or consumed in excessive amounts. Although drugs feel addicting, they can harm the body in many different ways. When people first use a drug, they may think this leads to positive effects. They also may believe they can control their use, but drugs can quickly take over a person's life. When people may start to feel the need to take more of a drug or take it more often, those are some early signs of addiction, over time which may lead to drug abuse in the later stages. However, support from family, friends, and society can help them stay away from getting addicted.

What are some negative impacts on the younger generation & families?

Drug abuse has many negative impacts on the user and their families. Whether it’s illicit drugs or prescription medications, substance abuse can significantly impair an individual’s ability to function effectively.

Here are some eye-opening statistics:
  • According to National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS), substance abuse has killed over 1 million people over the past few years and over 96,700 people die from drug abuse each year.
  • 80% of these abusers around the world are driven towards criminal activities because of their mental stress and lack of funds.
  • Drug abuse impacts the user but also those in contact with the user.
  • 50% of people 12 yrs and above have misused drugs in the last year.
  • Roughly 50 percent of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by substance abuse.
  • 53 percent of drug abusers also have at least one serious mental illness.
  • Of all people diagnosed as mentally ill, 29 percent abuse alcohol or drugs.
  • Did you know that 62% of teenagers in 12th grade have misused drugs in the USA.
All these statistics are critical evidence that drug abuse impacts the way you live and can have permanent consequences for children, family members, and friends. It impacts each body part differently. Tobacco can lead to many illnesses such as lung disease, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, & vision loss. It takes a toll on personal health and has far-reaching consequences on various aspects of life, including productivity. You can tell if one is a victim of drug abuse or started to do drugs if you watch for drug paraphernalia and symptoms of drug abuse. Some examples of paraphernalia are Mirrors with white powder, Razorblades, Straws, rolled dollar bills, crack pipes, and spoons, Needles and syringes & Rolling paper.

What are some reasons for drug addiction among youngsters?

There could be a wide range of reasons for drug abuse. It could be depression, bullying, curiosity, etc. Teens may use drugs or vape because of academic pressure, low self-esteem, peer pressure, etc. They may also do it to relieve boredom, feel good, forget their troubles and relax, satisfy their curiosity, ease their pain, feel grown up, show their independence, or belong to a specific group. This is all mostly because of the influence of the environment they are surrounded by. But it is important not to speculate, and families should help the affected individual as directed by the professionals.

Why is it imperative to call for some protection measures?

Drug abuse is not only illegal, but it also harms your physical and mental health, causing negative effects on your job, family, and daily life. Moreover, quitting is hard and can let you sink into depression easily, including death due to drug overdose. Early use of drugs increases a person's chances of becoming addicted. Remember, drugs change the brain, which can lead to addiction and other serious problems. Hence, preventing early use of drugs or vapes may go a long way in reducing these risks.

Our Stages of the Campaign:

As Lifesavers we began our extensive research that changed our sentiments from sad and shocking, to real and true in a matter of seconds. We identified our goal of making at least 100 people aware of the effects of drug abuse and then created a plan in collaboration with DOC NC Leadership to kick it off.


We started our unique signature campaign with presentations to the DOC NC team at Jordan Lake, NC. Our first interview with the Mayor of Apex was a huge success, where Mr. Jacques Gilbert gave amazing answers followed by our Swim instructor who brought cultural insights. Then, we went on interviewing our prestigious Karate instructor, who gave answers straight from the perspective of being an awesome teacher followed by the Mayor of Morrisville, who graciously joined the LifeSavers team! Finally, an honorable Bharatanatyam dance teacher Ms. Sridevi agreed to join us, she gave in-depth answers from the perspective of mind and soul that helped us connect with several teachings that we learned in school. These awe-inspiring teachers and leaders made an enormous impact on the world and our campaign. They all left a handprint, and just like that, PLEASE PLEDGE TO STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS!!!

Campaign Kickoff at Jordan Lake

Jordan Lake is where our Drug Awareness campaign kicked off along with the DOC NC (Dedicated to Our Community of North Carolina, A non-profit organization) team, on June 4th, 2023! We kicked off our drug awareness campaign by educating the DOC NC community and NC State Park Leader/Manager Mr. Sean Higgins on what our mission is, what our campaign is about, and the goal of our campaign along with our slogan, “Stop, Think, and Say No to Drugs!”. DOC NC members pledged to be against drugs by signing our campaign sheet. It filled us with much joy and elevated our spirits seeing the positive response at the launch.

We were excited to interview Mr. Sean Higgins, and were inspired by his thoughts, “There are many wonderful things to do that are positive and exciting, and drugs are not necessary. At Jordan Lake, it's either fishing, hiking, or swimming, these are things you can get excited about.” There are many healthy options you can choose from, from biking to walking on trails, making friends, camping, and enjoying with friends and family. After his message, Sean pledged to be drug-free along with us!

Interview with the Mayor of Apex

After a successful kickoff at Jordan Lake, we next had the privilege to interview Mr. Jacques K. Gilbert, Mayor of Apex, on June 6th, 2023, in collaboration with the DOC NC Lending Library installation event in the city of Apex. It was an enriching experience to hear his words of wisdom, “You don't need drugs to be famous,” he quoted, “You don’t need drugs to stand out. All you need is who you are, because we are all unique, and we all bring something in life to our world. So why drugs? You don't need that.” Would like to share his words of wisdom with you all:
  • Drug Abuse is an epidemic not only in Apex but in our entire nation, that negatively impacts our community.
  • We need to be the light to save our neighbors, community, and people around us to overcome drug addiction.
  • Drugs negatively impact our economy and our lives.
  • We need to offer support and provide resources to people around us.
  • The major reason for drug addiction amongst youth is not being aware of long-term impacts and the challenges of life.
  • In 2021, Mr. Jacques K. Gilbert initiated a task force to spread drug awareness.
  • Mr. Mayor wants to convey that leaders like him are here to support us, get us out of this epidemic, and stop drug addiction.                                                    

He was extremely happy to learn about our campaign and pledged to be against drugs along with many new DOC NC members who pledged to be drug-free and signed our campaign sheet.

Interview with the Mayor of Morrisville

We greatly appreciate Mr. TJ Cawley, the Mayor of Morrisville, to give us time from his packed schedule for an interview. It took place on June 24, 2023. His term as Mayor started in 2021. As he talked about drug abuse, he said:
  • We should avoid peer pressure and don’t get started with drug use in the first place.
  • He finds the negative impacts of drugs as harmful to our body and they are hard to stop.
  • When you lose your family and friends, you lose the support system that you need to have a successful life, and then it becomes a spiral, which makes it harder and harder to recover.
  • We are all on the same team, and everyone MUST be staying off drugs, that is the way to be, and that’s how we can have more friends and be more successful.

As the Mayor of Morrisville, Mr. TJ Cawley is a crucial part of a committee, whose goal is also to prevent drug abuse majorly in Wake County.

Soon after his interview, we took the time to talk to families and kids in the park and this outreach was very successful. They appreciated our efforts and pledged to be drug-free by signing our campaign sheet.

Interview with Karate Instructor

Mr. Wade Houston, the Shihan at Karate International of Apex, kindly accepted our offer for an interview. It took place on June 23rd, 2023. He started his amazing school, Karate International of Apex in 1994, and has been teaching Karate for about 36 years to provide a safe, comfortable, and welcoming atmosphere for all students and family members to study the Martial Arts. Mr. Houston enjoys passing along the Martial Arts to his students. He has been dedicated to changing the lives of people one person at a time, through martial arts, education, and coaching.

Mr. Houston started his Martial Arts training as an adult with his son in 1987. He is currently an 8th Degree Black Belt in Sanshinkai Karate, a 4th Degree Black Belt in Sanshinkai Jujitsu, and a 1st Degree Black Belt in Kendo (AUSKF). Mr. Houston has also earned the rank of 2nd Kyu Brown belt in Judo.


He strongly believes that martial arts can be for everyone, regardless of age, gender, or experience level. Mr. Houston talked about how drug abuse is not good for us and how some people “have to use it as a crutch to go through their daily lives”, and how people “start with taking money or drugs from someone and it escalates from there.” He really answered as a true teacher would, because confidence enables every member to achieve greatness and live their best life.


Interview with Swim Instructor

We Lifesavers interviewed Coach Jason Harloff (head coach on the Apex Breakers swim team) on June 6th of 2023. He has been the head coach for the Breakers since 1999. As a passionate coach, Coach Jason is always seen cheering and encouraging all levels of swimmers to bring out their best team spirit and confidence. He plays an instrumental part in bringing the most conducive swimming environment that goes a long way to boost the child’s learning abilities and help achieve the highest sense of self-accomplishment. The Breakers always bring their fine game to the swimming field which is why Coach Jason has been so generous to take an interview. Through this experience, Coach Jason has talked about:
  • How abusing drugs is unhealthy for the body.
  • Pandemic and isolation caused people to suffer from many mental illnesses.
  • Fact that people started leaning more on artificial support like drugs to kick their boredom and alleviate their mental problems.

In the normal scheme of things, he has also talked about ongoing stress, peer pressure, and bad influences, being some of the primary drivers for the youth to start using drugs. He beautifully highlighted that as an individual:
  • Do good deeds.
  • Be respectful and kind.
  • Be a great role model to your peers.
  • Make a positive difference amongst your peers.
Coach Jason himself is the perfect epitome of this. When this extends from an individual to a community, we can set a good example for today's youth and the younger generation. We can all together make the world pain-free, a better place, and drug-free. Coach Jason really hit the key points of this interview.

Interview with Bharatanatyam Teacher

Guru Vidushi Sridevi Jagannath is a renowned Bharatanatyam teacher and dancer in the RTP area. She is the director of the Laasya School of Dance and has been teaching for 28 years. She has also helped over 50 students finish their arangetram which is equivalent to dance graduation. Our Lifesavers team interviewed her on July 12th of 2023 and through this exclusive interview, Sridevi Aunty (as we dearly call her) has provided us with some great information. She emphasizes the point that kids and youth should indulge in important activities alongside school, like Dance, Singing, Karate, Swimming, and many other important skills that will be with them for their life, and aid in keeping them away from unnecessary distractions like drugs.


In this digital era, where kids are exposed to an overdose of technology and social networking sites and apps like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, Sridevi Aunty has valuably acknowledged appreciation to youth who have the self-control to use it and not abuse it. She has an important message to the families about having two-way open communication between parents and youth. Where in a case, the child suffering from mental illness or any unnecessary addictions like Drugs and needs help, the child should not be hesitant to reach out to his/her parents. Likewise, it is the parent’s utmost responsibility to immediately rescue their child and help overcome all the hurdles to come out of the situation, with the help of professionals if needed. As this process can be frustrating and painful, she expresses the dire need to have periodic conversations as a proactive measure to reinforce the importance of staying healthy and avoiding Drugs.

Her final message is engraved in our hearts forever, “Spread art to kids who are less fortunate and take it to places where it is not easily available." Guru Vidushi Sridevi Jagannath's speech was truly inspiring.


Drug abuse is a serious problem and a critical matter in today's world, as it has devastating impacts on youth and their families. We undertook this project to create awareness in the community, amongst youngsters and their families to prevent drug abuse. Through this pledge campaign as Lifesavers, this project allowed us to reach out to some eminent community leaders and educators to bring out their strong messages to the community. The support we received from these influencers to complete this campaign has been phenomenal, to take this project of ours to a strong finish line.
We learned that engaging in positive and healthy activities such as martial arts, swimming, dance, yoga, or other fun activities, is a great way to keep one’s mind and body supple, help yourself to stay on the right path, and do the right things in life. To reiterate, support from family or mentors are always some resources for youth to lean on or look up to if you need help or even communicate with them about these related matters. It is vital to have fun but also stay on the right path & indulge in the right things. Make healthy choices instead and lead a healthy lifestyle.

A quote said by Lou Holtz “Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent the way you respond to it”. This means if someone asks you to try something that you know is not important, stop, think, and say no. Drugs may give you some momentary pleasure, but drug abuse & addiction only leads to a quick downfall and ends up taking your life. It is best not to go down this path, to begin with.

You only get one life, so spend it in the right way. Life is too precious!!!

We would also like to thank our parents for all their immense support and guidance throughout. Also, special thanks to DOC NC for giving us a platform and resources to help us achieve success through this campaign.
To learn more about DOC NC, please visit the DOC NC website.

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Lifesavers 2024

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